Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge.
Ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is inexpensive. You don’t need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer, and the right software.
Figure out your market, write your book, post it on your website, and with the right business savvy, your audience will come to you.
You have creative control over your eBook. You don?t have to compromise with an editor or the publishing trends of the time. You don’t have to haggle with a designer or wait for copyedited galleys to arrive by snail mail.
There are innumerable ways to use eBooks to promote your business and drive quality traffic to your website!
Inside “Ebook Publishing Profits”, you will learn:
How to use e-books for marketing and promotion
How to write an e-book
How to make your eBook “user friendly”
Why sell eBooks?
How to price your eBook
Marketing strategies
Steps to publishing success
How to turn your eBook into profits
And much, much more!
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